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Frequently Asked Questions:

Where do you ship to? - Currently, we only offer shipping to Canada and the US, but we are working on expanding our business across the globe.

How long does shipping take? - We ship orders out the same day or next business day and delivery takes about 5-7 business days.

Am I able to purchase a replacement sensor ball/puck for my digital stickhandling trainer? - Yes, you can purchase replacement sensor balls/pucks here

Speed Radar Gun 2.0

Skate-able Synthetic Ice Tiles

How should I store my Potent Hockey digital products? - To optimize the lifespan of your Potent Hockey digital products we recommend storing them in a temperature-controlled environment and avoiding leaving them out in extreme weather conditions to minimize the negative impact on the battery.

How can I protect my Potent Hockey digital products if I have to leave them outside? - If you must keep your Potent Hockey digital products outside (not recommended), use protective cases or covers when not in use to shield the product from direct exposure to harsh elements, such as snow or rain.

Can I use my Potent Hockey digital products in extreme weather conditions? - We recommend against using your Potent Hockey digital products in extreme weather conditions as this can deteriorate the battery and reduce the lifespan of the product.

What is the best way to charge my Potent Hockey digital products? - The best way to charge your Potent Hockey digital products is to charge them in a space where the temperature is moderate and there are no extreme conditions because this can cause degradation to occur with the battery. (Please note that the battery for the Digital Shooter Tutor is removable).